v15 onwards, all sites hosted on Frappe Cloud can enable Push Notifications for the mobile app.
Go to
Integrations > Push Notification Settings
Check the Enable Push Notification Relay checkbox
In your mobile app:
Go to Profile > Settings or Notification Icon > Settings and click on "Enable Push Notifications"
This will register your site on the Frappe Cloud relay server and you will receive push notifications.
Push Notifications
rucha_mahabal edited 3 months agov15 onwards, all sites hosted on Frappe Cloud can enable Push Notifications for the Frappe HR mobile app.
Go to
Integrations > Push Notification Settings
Check the Enable Push Notification Relay checkbox
In your mobile app:
Go to Profile > Settings or Notification Icon > Settings and click on "Enable Push Notifications"
This will register your site on the Frappe Cloud relay server and you will receive push notifications.